Wig Torture!
I recently caught up with Ben and we chatted about the band. Along with his interview are photographs I took of the band in Lower Haight back in '92, the heyday for rock and roll in San Francisco!
Julie Green
May 16, 2015
Julie Green: How did Wig Torture form?
Ben Geddes: I was in the band towards the end of high school where we played a lot of cover songs. When it became something real for me was when Aaron and I started playing together with Walt Varo who was replaced by Lev Delany. This really wasn’t the same band but we kept the name.
BG: My friend Martyn used to hold a lamp tassel over his parakeet's head and say it’s the wig torture. You know with bands you just need a name.
JG: Did you guys grow up in the same city?
BG: Aaron and I grew up near each other (in the South Bay) and Lev grew up in Vancouver, BC.
JG: What's the bands discography?
BG: ‘Wig Torture Levels Your Karma’ (45) We recorded another album but it never got released.
JG: How long was the band together for?
BG: Seemed like forever.

BG: It was one of the first clubs that booked us for decent nights of the week. Heck, we played with Cameltoe on more than one occasion there.
Lev Delany: I've got a Morty's story. We had finished playing and war breaking down. Benn's girlfriend Monica was tapping on the drums. A large and cranked up Hell's Angel walked over from the bar and informed us that if she didn't stop, he'd break my fingers. I confiscated the sticks. a minute later, she found some more and started tapping again.
The biker came back and bent her hand back to give emphasis to his request. As he was walking away, Aaron made a brief placatory statement, which the biker interpreted as disrespectful. He grabbed Aaron and jumped to the stage with Aaron underneath, bear swatting at his head all the while. It didn't last long, and Aaron wasn't hurt, but we all packed up and left quickly and quietly.
JG: Did the band tour the US or Europe?
BG: Natural Fonzie for me – Lev has been in a bunch, Spoto, The Blackouts, and let’s not forget, The AmazingEmbarrasonics. Aaron’s always been in tons, he was in Men's Club and is now in Hot Lunch.
JG: What was your favorite Wig Torture song?
BG: I would have to say at the moment it would either be ‘Freak Flag Express’ or
‘Jailhouse Cigar’.
Remember on Halloween on Haight Street with Lev wearing the gorilla suit while playing drums?!?!