Kim Shattuck: A Day in the Life of a Rock 'n' Roller

Kim Shattuck, the powerhouse singer-songwriter, guitar player and producer behind the phenomenal band The Muffs, has been carving a path of her own since she began her career playing bass for The Pandoras back in 1985.

Spending a day with Kim was delightful. The same sense of wit and humor that shines through in her lyrics came to life in front of my eyes. Her affable nature was a joy to be around. Unguarded, wry and smart this Rock n’ Roller led me through her day flitting from one project to the next with ease. 

I caught Kim on a day filled with regular chores revolving around her adorable pooch Riley, her passion for restoring wood furniture, and while walking Riley, picking up trash around the neighborhood. She then found time to plug in her tube amp and record some leads for an upcoming project!

Kim had a special performance as a guest singer at the Alex theater in Glendale later that night. Backed by The Wild Honey Orchestra, a roster of brilliant performers sang individual songs tackling the entire White Album by The Beatles. A star studded night, each singer provided the audience with their own personal touch to each classic tune. It was hard to miss Kim’s distinctive voice and presence on stage with fellow Muff’s Ronnie and Roy accompanying the Orchestra behind her. After having just spent the day with her, the charm she carried with her throughout the day shone brightly on stage. There is no act. She's the real deal!

With The Muffs touring Spain in June for Turbo Rock in Valencia and The Pandoras reuniting for Burger Records’ Burger Boogaloo on the 4th of JulyKim has a plate full of fun ahead of her. How lucky for us that she's let us in on the feast!                                        

It is with great pleasure I present to you "Kim Shattuck: A Day in the Life of a Rock 'n' Roller"!

Julie Green

March 28, 2015


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