The Phabulous Phantom Surfers!

It was a thrill to catch up with The Legendary Phantom Surfers. This all boy surf quintet from the Bay Area arrived on our southern shores this summer and treated us to a lively set at the Viva Cantina in lovely Burbank, California, minus one surfer. Besides a small photo shoot outside of the club, I captured them live for your viewing pleasure. 

Watch it here.

I was able to squeeze the following interview out of several of the band members and what ensued was nothing less than pure frivolity from these masked marauders. Viva Los Phabulous Phantom Surfers!

Julie Green
September 26, 2015

Mighty Mel Bergman

Julie Green: Crushed or Satin Velvet?

Mel Bergman: Crushed considering the jackets are 19 years old and look brand new after hundreds of gigs....

Johnny Bartlett: Crustin. It's a hybrid.

Russell Quan: I no know? Hee hee!

JG: What is your favorite original song by the Surfers and why? 

MB: Hmmm, That's hard to say....but off the top of my head, Johnny’s song Slotter Onn Tenth Ave...Excellent song, Fantastic title. It holds up

JB: Damare/the Tell Tale Couch. It's got that beat where it's impossible to stand still!!

RQ: I no know ? hee hee!

JG: Who are all the members that have been in the band over the years?  

Masculine Maz Katuah

MB: Including fill in dudes: Mel, Johnny, Mike, Max Russell, Danny, Trent, Stork, Frank , Chris, Tom, Deke, Barfy, ....I might be missing a few

JB: See Mel's answer.

RQ: I no know? Hee hee!

JG: Mel, do you build your own guitars or do you customize them? 

MB: Yes. I'm working on a new line of production guitars at the moment.

JG: What is the craziest tour the band has been on and why? 

MB: Hmmm, another tough one, but I'd have to say the Spain/ Norway tour for sheer oddness. And Norway has provided endless humor over the years.

Moveable Mike Lucas

JB: The 1991 cross country tour in the 1970 Ford Econoline that only had 2 seats and no gas gauge. Oh, and an illogical itinerary. Good times.

JG: “Sin in the Suburbs” directed by Joeseph W. Samo is an amazing movie.   Have you watched “The Bed and How to Make it?”. 

MB: No. I only watch Neighbors w Belushi and Ackroyd

JG: Do you feel like a superhero with your mask on?

MB: No, I barely feel like a human

JB: Yes! A blind superhero with a lousy physique.

RQ: I no know? Hee hee!

JG: How did the tour with the A-Phonics go this summer?

MB: Bad for the A phonics as they had to play w us each night!

Johnny "The Peach" Bartlett

JB: Great bunch of guys and a really fantastic surf band!!!! They threatened to recapture California in the name of Espana!

JG: Nations or Val’s?

MB: Cmon, that is  ridiculous question!

JB: We're offended by the question. VAL'S!!!

RQ: I no know? Hee hee!

JG: Have you ever surfed on a board?

MB: Sort of.

JB: Yes. Many, many times. I just went on Sunday.

JG: Ever thought of doing just strait up comedy?

MB: What do you think we have been doing for 27 years?

JB: That would take too much effort. We'll stick to the easy stuff like surf music and blowing clams.

RQ: I no know? Hee hee!

JG:  Since writing the best seller “Rock Stardom for Dumb Shits: A Reference for Losers”, have any bands thanked you for your advice and guidance?

MB: No, but most of them should.

JG: How did you get Darren to be the cover model?

MB: "Darren, here is you chance to fulfill your dream of posing in a rocker wig whilst holding a plunger." like shooting fish in a barrel, it was.

JG: Are there any new recordings in the works?

MB: Actually yes, next year. We are re-recording a lot of our tunes, as the current owners are doing nothing to exploit our recordings. Wait...we own all our masters...

JB: Yes. There's a kids album in the works aimed at 3-6 year olds. It'll be a rousing singalong lp full of ABCs and 1-2-3s.

JG: When are you playing next? 

MB: We might have something in the works for 13 months from now. I just hope we can get our shit together by then. But, not likely.

JB: 2016 or 2017.

RQ: I no know? Hee hee!
