"TRUMP-IT" 2017

I've hit saturation level and it's coming out of me in a very cathartic way. Day after day there is something that The Donald and his minions stir up, insinuate, display or pontificate about that is truly unbelievable. His every word makes me cringe. He should be selling used cars in Atlantic City not running the United States of America! My mind cannot wrap around the fact that he is in fact the leader of our country. It doesn't compute...

The Donald's unpresidential behavior creates a very uneasy contrast with reality. I grapple with the fact that this baboon is running the country and very well could possibly run it right into the ground. I'm usullly not a pessimist but it's gets harder each day to fathom how we as a country will survive 4 years of his ineffectual and harmful decisions.

Yet I soldier on each day creating a new image to express and expel my frustrations and utter amazement at the situation we find our selves in. I've signed up to be a volunteer at Meals on Wheels during my lunch hour break as a way to make a difference in someone else's life. And I continue to be inspired to create images that capture what I see unfolding before my eyes.

I'm sure every artist that has seen the red flags waiving as their country began to spiral into chaos was driven to express those feelings in the only way they new how. I just hope that we as a people can rise up together to stop this greedy and heartless man before he really does some irreparable harm to our country and the world.

We all must play a part,

Julie Green
March 18, 2017


"BEWARE" 2017



  1. We have become the laughing stock of the world and we become less and less of what we are with each passing day. He must be removed from a position that he is completely incapable of performing. (Rob)


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