Saturday, May 21, 2016

The Spirit of the Puppeteer: The 2nd Annual Bob Baker Day

"2nd Annual Bob Baker Day No. 1"

A few months ago my daughter and her pals attended the 2nd Annual Bob Baker Day celebration. The carnival had spilled out onto the street in front of The Bob Baker Marionette Theater while live performances celebrating Bob's birthday were happening inside. 

The overhead freeway was a perfect shelter from the sun. While the little ones crafted masks and played with their puppets, musical performances and puppet shows were presented on a small stage. Special guests included puppeteer and performance artist Paul Zalooom, the amazing costumed characters from Yo Gabba Gabba, juggling by Lindsay Benner and strangely enough LA's own barbie doll, Angelyne!

I first blogged about Mr. Baker and his marionette theater in "Bob Baker and His Magical Marionettes" where I was allowed a peek behind the curtain. The following year Mr. Baker graciously allowed me into his magical puppet warehouse. Our two hour interview covered the evolution of his career. We touched on how he crafted his puppets, the materials and techniques he used, as well as discussing the people he had worked with over the years. The resulting blog became "Bob Baker: The Making of His Magical Marionettes".

I'm so thrilled to see the sprit of this puppeteer live on in this annual festival and look forward to seeing more puppet shows over the corse of the year.

Julie Green
May 21, 2016

"2nd Annual Bob Baker Day No. 2"

"2nd Annual Bob Baker Day No. 3"

"2nd Annual Bob Baker Day No. 4"

"2nd Annual Bob Baker Day No. 5"

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